There really couldn’t be a better time to highlight this Sidney Lumet classic—today the temperature in New York climbed to the highest point of the year. As anyone who spent any time outside can attest, it was truly the most dog day of summer thus far. To pay homage to this gritty 1975 film about a real-life failed Brooklyn bank robbery starring Al Pacino (in of his greatest roles) and the incredible John Cazales (in one of the few roles of his career) in our current issue of Gather, we whipped up a sizzling, sticky mozzarella in carrozza, topped it with a fried egg and doused it, in true New York fashion, with pizza spices. Dog Day Afternoon has many clips worth revisiting, but I couldn’t resist sharing the film’s first few minutes. In one of my favorite-ever opening movie sequences, Lumet casts a lens on ’70s New York to the tune of Elton John’s “Amoreena.” Perfect.