Cushy dumplings on a bed of tender spice-doused greens.
Gather JournalThat gnocchi comes from the Italian word for knuckle (nocca) is fitting, since crafting them is a real show of hands. One where everyone has personal flourishes—when my nonna Filomena Giampa made them, she sometimes used a wicker basket to imprint their subtle ridges.
serves 6 as a starter or 4 as a main
Put potatoes in a saucepan covered with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and briefly cool. While still hot, peel and force through a ricer onto a lightly floured surface.
Add ¾ cup flour and gently fluff into potatoes then knead with your hands briefly to form a soft dough. Cover with a kitchen towel to keep warm.
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Form a few ¾-inch long ovals as guinea pigs and roll along fork tines or a gnocchi board to imprint grooves. Boil until they bob up to the surface, then 15 seconds more. Fish out. If they hold their shape, continue to form the rest the same way: if not, knead in a little more flour without over handling.
Divide dough into 4 pieces and form into ¾-inch thick logs. Cut each log into 1-inch pieces and roll along the grooves. Keep gnocchi on a floured sheet pan dusted with more flour until ready to cook.
Heat butter, oil, anchovies, garlic, and pepper flakes in a large skillet stirring to dissolve anchovies. Add greens and cook until wilted, about 5 minutes. Boil gnocchi as above and stir into skillet. Serve topped with bread crumbs.