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Photograph by Grant Cornett Food Styling by Maggie Ruggiero Prop Styling by Theo Vamvounakis

Mango Aloe Jelly

Desserts from Issue 1 – Summer 2012 – Float

You can almost picture a ‘50s housewife in her prim, wasp-waisted dress proudly serving this glistening mound of gelatinous goodness to approving dinner party guests. Difference is, this version is made with a far more modern component: Alo, a sweetened aloe vera-based beverage. As the old slogan goes, there’s always room for J-e-l-l-o, but we like to think there’s also always room for A-l-o.

serves 6 to 8

  • 3 (16.9 oz) chilled bottles aloe vera drink. We used Alo brand Allure aloe vera drink flavored with mango and mangosteen.
  • 6 tsp unflavored gelatin (a little over 2 packets)

  • 1

    Very lightly oil your mold with a neutral oil like canola or vegetable.

  • 2

    Put ½ cup aloe drink in a bowl and sprinkle gelatin over to soften. Let stand 5 minutes.

  • 3

    Meanwhile, bring about 2 cups of the drink to a boil, then pour over softened gelatin, whisking to completely dissolve gelatin… there will be some succulent bits of aloe gel. Stir in remaining drink and pour into your mold.

  • 4

    Chill in fridge until completely set, at least 6 hours or overnight. Dip mold very briefly in warm water to loosen sides and then unmold onto a serving dish. You can let it sit at room temperature for a bit to soften unless you enjoy your jellies fridge cold.