A dessert that breaks the mold.
Gather JournalYou can almost picture a ‘50s housewife in her prim, wasp-waisted dress proudly serving this glistening mound of gelatinous goodness to approving dinner party guests. Difference is, this version is made with a far more modern component: Alo, a sweetened aloe vera-based beverage. As the old slogan goes, there’s always room for J-e-l-l-o, but we like to think there’s also always room for A-l-o.
serves 6 to 8
Very lightly oil your mold with a neutral oil like canola or vegetable.
Put ½ cup aloe drink in a bowl and sprinkle gelatin over to soften. Let stand 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, bring about 2 cups of the drink to a boil, then pour over softened gelatin, whisking to completely dissolve gelatin… there will be some succulent bits of aloe gel. Stir in remaining drink and pour into your mold.
Chill in fridge until completely set, at least 6 hours or overnight. Dip mold very briefly in warm water to loosen sides and then unmold onto a serving dish. You can let it sit at room temperature for a bit to soften unless you enjoy your jellies fridge cold.