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Photograph by Martyn Thompson Food Styling by Maggie Ruggiero Prop Styling by Theo Vamvounakis

Mozzarella in Carrozza

Amuse-Bouche from Issue 3 – Spring / Summer 2013 – Rough Cut

It’s said that the heat can make you do crazy things. And in the summer of 1972 when it was so hot you could fry an egg—a quail egg, even—on the sidewalk, it did. Sidney Lumet captured New York in all its gritty glory in this true story of Sonny and Sal’s attempt to rob a local Brooklyn bank. They would fail, but in grand fashion, creating a sideshow (Attica! Attica!) for the neighborhood in the process. Our gooey mozzarella in carrozza garnished New York-style, with pizza spices, is as sizzling as summer’s dog days.

makes 6 little half sandwiches

  • 6 (¼-inch thick) slices soft white Italian bread
  • 3 (¼-inch thick) slices fresh mozzarella
  • 2 Tbsp pizza or marinara sauce plus more for dipping
  • red pepper flakes
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup whole milk
  • cup flour
  • about ½ cup olive oil
  • 6 quail eggs

  • 1

    Make sandwiches of mozzarella, pizza sauce, and a sprinkling of red pepper flakes. Trim off crusts and press down to slightly flatten.

  • 2

    Beat together the egg and milk and season with a little salt and pepper. Dredge sandwiches in flour covering them completely and shaking off excess, then dip in egg mixture.

  • 3

    Heat enough oil to come up about ¼-inch in a heavy skillet over medium-low heat until hot—test with a piece of discarded crust; when it sizzles, oil is hot. Fry sandwiches on both sides until bread is golden and cheese is melting, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Don’t rush it; you want cheese melty and the bread cooked through.

  • 4

    Meanwhile heat a small nonstick skillet with a little oil. Fry quail eggs sunny side up.

  • 5

    Cut sandwiches in half and top each half with a seasoned fried egg. Serve at once with pizza sauce for dipping.