All of us under its spell, we know that it’s probably magic.
Gather JournalFew films have managed to reach a similar pinnacle of movie magic as when Dorothy opens the door of her Kansas farmhouse after the tornado’s end and gingerly steps into a world of infinite Technicolor. Our cake, a spin on the Italian rainbow cookie, reflects the enduring marvel of that shift: a stormy swirl of greyscale on the outside, a spectrum of color inside.
serves 8 to 10
Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly butter only the bottoms of three 8-inch cake pans. Line with rounds of parchment then butter the parchment.
Stir together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. With a mixer, beat in butter until mixture looks sandy. Beat in almond paste until combined and smooth. Add milk and extract, and beat 1 minute, starting on low and increasing to medium. Beat in eggs, 1 at a time, beating well between each. Increase speed to medium- high and beat 1 minute longer. Divide batter between 3 bowls and color as desired. Transfer to pans.
Bake until cakes are just beginning to pull away from the sides and a tester comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes. Run a knife along the insides of the pans and cool the layers on racks 15 minutes then invert. Discard parchment. Cool cakes completely.
Stir together jam and grated chocolate. Assemble cake, spreading jam between layers. Chill at least 30minutes.
Make the frosting: Beat the butter on medium speed until creamy. Add sugar, milk, vanilla, and a pinch of salt and beat 3 minutes, starting on low speed and increasing to high. Transfer ¾ cup of frosting into a bowl, and whisk cocoa powder and some black food color into it. Mix a third bowl of frosting with a little of the black and some of the white.
Make the gray icing: Spread a thin layer of white all over cake to seal crumbs and chill completely. Spread cake with frostings blending blacks and whites and grays for a stormy effect. Chill. Let stand at room temperature 1 hour before serving.