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Photograph by Grant Cornett Food Styling by Maggie Ruggiero

Shiny: Sight

Silk Screen Cocktail

Cocktails & Beverages from Issue 12 - Winter 2018 – The Senses

Research has found that mankind’s obsession with shiny objects may tie back to a very primitive instinct: the search for water. This refreshing gin and sherry cocktail topped with a pool of shimmering oil, by Claire Sprouse of Sunday in Brooklyn, quenches a different kind of thirst.

makes 1 cocktail

  • 1 oz dry gin
  • 1 oz fino sherry
  • 1 oz mint syrup*  
  • ¾ oz lime juice
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 drop olive oil

  • Combine gin, sherry, syrup, lime juice, and salt in a shaker with ice. Shake then strain into a coupe. Using a dropper, place two drops of olive oil on top.

    *For the mint syrup: Bring a cup of water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in a handful of fresh mint. Steep 10 minutes the strain. Stir in 1 cup of sugar and heat just until sugar dissolves. Chill completely.