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Photograph by Olivia Bee Food Styling by Maggie Ruggiero Prop Styling by Theo Vamvounakis

Turkish Affogato

Desserts from Issue 5 – Spring / Summer 2014 – Caravan

Like the desert climate, an affogato is both scorching hot and sharply cold. In lieu of espresso, we drowned our vanilla scoop with cardamom-laced Turkish coffee. Pair with slender pecan cookies and keep the grounds for fortune-telling—if you see a flying bird, there is good news in your future; trees, happiness; a ring, a love affair.

serves 2

  • 6 oz water
  • 4 tsp Turkish coffee
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • ¼ tsp ground cardamom
  • vanilla ice cream

  • 1

    Put water in a Turkish coffeepot (ibrik or cezve) or small pot. Stir in the coffee, sugar, and cardamom. Let stand 1 minute. Heat pot over medium heat, without stirring, until coffee just begins to boil. Coffee will rise up the sides; before it overflows, remove from heat and let stand until froth settles. Reheat until froth almost comes to top of pot and remove again from heat. Repeat a third time. Divide frothy coffee between 2 small cups, filling each partway, evenly distributing froth and grounds. Let stand 1 minute to allow grounds to settle. Serve with scoops of vanilla ice cream pouring the coffee over and leaving behind the grounds.