Will this duo tantalize? Signs point to yes.
Gather JournalLike the desert climate, an affogato is both scorching hot and sharply cold. In lieu of espresso, we drowned our vanilla scoop with cardamom-laced Turkish coffee. Pair with slender pecan cookies and keep the grounds for fortune-telling—if you see a flying bird, there is good news in your future; trees, happiness; a ring, a love affair.
serves 2
Put water in a Turkish coffeepot (ibrik or cezve) or small pot. Stir in the coffee, sugar, and cardamom. Let stand 1 minute. Heat pot over medium heat, without stirring, until coffee just begins to boil. Coffee will rise up the sides; before it overflows, remove from heat and let stand until froth settles. Reheat until froth almost comes to top of pot and remove again from heat. Repeat a third time. Divide frothy coffee between 2 small cups, filling each partway, evenly distributing froth and grounds. Let stand 1 minute to allow grounds to settle. Serve with scoops of vanilla ice cream pouring the coffee over and leaving behind the grounds.