Put the watermelon in the coconut, you eat ‘em bot’ up.
Gather JournalBesides a name, the first watermelons, dating back to 3,000 BC in the Southern African countries of Namibia and Botswana, share little in common with their modern-day progenitors. Since then, we’ve grown them sweeter, eliminated all fat content, and increased their hydrating properties. Thanks to plenty of B6, watermelon is also believed to relax those tense blood vessels, thereby curbing stress. We paired it with seasonal produce for a soothing summer salad.
serves 4
Holding the coconut’s base steady, with an 8-10 inch knife, strike the heel edge at a 45° angle, 2 inches below the tip of the coconut. Work your knife around the top, using force to puncture all the way through until you can pull the top off. Strain coconut water into a bowl, then scoop out the white flesh with a spoon.
Slice watermelon and cucumber into pieces. Layer with coconut pieces and mint on a serving plate. Drizzle with a few Tbsp coconut water and sprinkle with salt.