For those about to eat, we salute you.
Gather JournalThat distinctive silvery sheen of a fish’s skin? It’s thanks to an intricate network of light-reflective crystals. Beautiful, yes, but they’re also pragmatic, a brand of camouflage that disguises fish from predators as they slice through the water. Our toast points, topped with shishitos and glistening white anchovies, have both style and substance too.
serves 8
Heat oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add peppers and cook until blistered and starting to wilt. Transfer along with oil to a small bowl and let cool completely.
Reserving oil, trim both ends of peppers and slit open to flatten. Gently scrape out seeds and discard.
Pat anchovies dry and transfer to pepper-infused oil, turning gently to coat.
Just before serving, toast bread and trim off crusts. Cut into 1-inch by 3-inch pieces. Top each soldier with a pepper, trimming to fit, then top with an anchovy. Serve while toast is warm.