The new objects of your desire.
Gather JournalCasanova was so convinced of oyster’s libidinous qualities that he consumed 50 for breakfast every day. And in the past decade, scientists, after researching their chemical components, discovered that the notorious seducer was right about these lusty bivalves. Turning up the heat with a glug of flush-inducing, endorphin-releasing Sriracha only serves to amplify the pulse-quickening effect.
makes 12
Preheat oven to 375°F. Stir together butter, Sriracha, zest, and anchovy. Place oysters on a rimmed baking sheet. If the oysters don’t sit evenly you can nestle them in a bed of coarse salt. Divide butter mixture evenly among oysters.
Bake until oysters are plump and the butter is sizzling, 8 to 10 minutes.